Project »The Chain of Chance«

Work by Jane Austen

What's it about?

This detective/science fiction fusion reads like a thriller. The hero has to investigate a series of mysterious suicides in the Italian city of Naples. Everything points to a specific pattern, a serial killer ...? I won't spoil the story for you, but the English title gives a hint. Of course, things are not what they seem to be.


I used scraper film, using old repro films from offset printing process, exposed and processed them in the photo lab and scraped off lines with a scalpel. I like to compose with light and dark areas, which made me immediately fall in love with this technique.


This was my first book ever published! Büchergilde Gutenberg is a German publisher with a weak spot for damn good book design. We were happy to receive the prize »Best German Books« from Stiftung Buchkunst in 2006.
Logo Mandy Schlundt Illustration flying pencil
| Illustration | Character Design |
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